Minnetonka Hockey
2594863About the design:
This tree was designed as a fun tribute to my daughters 1st year playing Minnetonka girls varsity hockey!
About the designer:
Ellen Boss Krohn - Contemporary Homes
12" Blue Ball Ornament Pick 4/Bg
- In Stock: 2
- Future: n/a
- N192502
12" White Ball Ornament Pick 4/Bg
- In Stock: 0
- Future: n/a
- N192511
6" Blue 4 Finish Ball Asst Drilled 4/Bag
- In Stock: 0
- Future: 216
- 5/1/2025
- N591502DA
6" Red 4 Finish Ball Asst 4/Bag
- In Stock: 1
- Future: n/a
- N591503DA